Home News Albert Alligator at Hamburg New York Seized

Albert Alligator at Hamburg New York Seized

Albert Alligator Hamburg ny seized

Albert, a 12-foot, 750-pound alligator was confiscated from Tony Cavallaro’s home in Hamburg, New York by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in March 2024.

The DEC raised safety concerns regarding Cavallaro’s keeping of Albert, noting that her permit had expired in 2021 and citing reports that the alligator suffered from blindness and spinal issues. Cavallaro disputes these claims, noting that Albert had received treatment for cataracts as well as being an amicable pet.

The DEC’s decision caused significant public outrage and widespread media attention. Cavallaro’s story was featured by major outlets and even received support from celebrities such as rapper Lil Jon. Many supporters believe Albert should be returned; after all, she hadn’t caused anyone any harm and had become beloved member of her community.

Change org petitions calling on Albert’s owner, Cavallaro, to take back custody have garnered over 140,000 signatures within days, as have local fundraising initiatives to support his legal battles by selling lawn signs and other merchandise to raise funds in support of this cause. Despite these efforts, Albert remains with licensed caretakers despite Cavallaro’s attempts at gaining custody back of him as the situation evolves further.

The future of Albert remains uncertain as the legal battle unfolds, but the case has highlighted the complexities of exotic pet ownership and the emotional bonds that can form between humans and animals typically considered dangerous.


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